Push Back Rack             



            The Push back rack system is similar to the Drive-in rack by It is a 

             first in, last out method, but there are the following differences

              1. Push back rack The product is placed in front with the

                  Cart supporting the pallet does not have to run into the channel

              2. Push back rack in 1 channel must be the same type of product, 

                  but if Drive-in rack system in 1 lane, it must be the same type                        of product

               3. The amount of product capacity per area will be the same as  

                   Drive-in  rack, but the use will be safer because the forklift

                   does not run into the channel, making the chance of the car 

                   hitting the pole almost  non-existent

               4. Push back rack has a bumper in front of the pole and a Stopper

                   on  the floor to determine the distance of the car to place the 

                   pallet on the Cart, making it more convenient and safer to use

                5.The Cart set supports the pallet, consisting of a set of wheels 

                   and axle screws, which are standard equipment, easy to 

                   change spare parts 


                                               Push back operation characteristic, pictured on the right, is a LIFO operation by bringing the pallets in from the front until the slot is full.




                                        Push back rack system has 2 types as follows:

                                          1. Pallet placed on Cart with the car supporting every pallet. Therefore, it is possible to use pallets of different sizes in the same row. 

                                          2. Roller type is placing pallets on rollers. In terms of safety, in addition to the front stopper, the second pallet of every row has a brake.

                                              Rollers help slow down the speed in case the pallets that are stuck in the row and slide by themselves.



                                                                  Cart Type                                                                                                          Roller Type




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